Make Your Voice Heard, by Allison Ross

The following article is from our newly appointed Communications Director, Allison RossWe are delighted to have her join the LPKS leadership team! Learn about her recent liberty-related adventures as a professional musician...

I’ve considered myself a libertarian for the past exciting, fun-fueled decade. It seems there’s always new ideas to discover and new friends to meet. This was only enhanced when I stepped onboard the LPKS ship to work as Communications Director for the Jorgensen campaign, a role I now continue for the state party. But aside from official LP activities, something I wrote recently kicked up some dust in liberty circles much faster than I’d anticipated….It began when I traveled out of town to play an orchestra gig (music being my livelihood). The restrictive level of coronavirus protocol foisted upon the performers was appalling, and I didn’t hide my distaste for it. N95 masks, socially-distanced chairs, discouragement from interacting with my colleagues, and audio difficulties were nothing compared to our makeshift concert hall: a baseball stadium, outdoors in 20mph winds. The concert was called off after ten minutes as we and our precious instruments would have gotten rained on had we continued. The performance debacle was an affront to our musicmaking. We had spent more time that weekend adhering to protocol than focusing on the program. Angry and unsettled, I made the reluctant decision not to perform another concert until restrictions had been lifted. But in the meantime, my frustration needed an outlet. I emailed Harvard historian and libertarian podcaster Tom Woods, of whose show I’ve been a devoted fan since 2016, with a brief account of the experience. I was fed up with the lockdowns’ effect on our industry, but also grateful for Dr. Woods’ support. (He often mentions on his show that he attends symphony concerts, operas, and ballets.) I knew I wouldn't hear back; it just felt good to get it off my chest. The very next morning, I received an unexpected response: “Thank you! May I use what you wrote in my email newsletter?”After I calmed down from being momentarily starstruck - omg, Tom Woods messaged me personally! - I was only too happy to share, thinking there may be others in his fanbase who would resonate with my perspective. As it turned out, there were hundreds. Tom had also shared my words on his Facebook page, and the post was inundated with requests to get in touch with the “anonymous symphony musician.” Some were podcasts invitations, others wanted me to write for their publications. There was even a sweet message from a homeschooling mother who wanted me to visit and play for her group of students in Olathe. Many were similarly-disgruntled musicians who felt that their concerns weren’t being acknowledged in the arts world, as their anti-lockdown stance didn’t fit the narrative. So here, finally, was a place we could gather to freely discuss the impossibilities of playing, amid what was being touted as the “new normal” in concert halls (or sports stadiums, as it were). The following week, I logged onto Skype to record a podcast with James Newcomb of He also posted the full op-ed I’d written at the gig, which wasn’t getting any traction with major news publications.During this whirlwind of writing, speaking, visiting, and recording, I got connected to Adam Kokesh and his podcast Adam Vs. the Man. Watch the ½ hour interview here on PSCP TV, where we enjoy a more lighthearted spin on the same topic (my portion begins at minute 58), or view it on Adam Kokesh's facebook page.Sharing something you’re passionate about is never a waste of time. At the very least, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded people. It’s cathartic, and helps you feel that you’re not just losing your mind. But you may also unwittingly launch a message out into the void that needs to be heard - especially one being censored or ignored elsewhere. A reverence for liberty is always a good reason to speak up. Your opinion matters. Make your voice heard!


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