County Affiliates
County Directors are volunteers who work to organize the LPKS locally because they know that real change begins on the local level. They act as county organizers to support LPKS candidates and liberty-related issues in their area. They also organize periodic meetings and social gatherings in their county to facilitate the networking of people who share the principle of Liberty.
The Directors of a county affiliate are likely the most important volunteer positions in the LPKS. As a County Director you will be the main person our LPKS members in your area will most frequently interact and communicate with.
If your county has an active director, it will be listed below. If not, we are looking for volunteers like you to organize your county! If you are interested in being a county director, let us know! We will put you in touch with your District Lead, who will need to appoint you. Your District Lead along with other state leaders will help you make a Libertarian impact locally.
Kansas Congressional Maps 2023 - Courtesy of Wikipedia Contributor, Nebraskan Fellow.
Libertarian Party of Kansas County Affiliates
District 1 (Leader, Tyler Abel)
District Deputy - Brent Cox
Republic County - James Doyle
Riley County - Andrew Frey
Douglas County - Kirsten Kuhn
Russell County - Jeffrey Boddinger
District 2 (Leader, John Hauer)
District Deputy - Ned Kelley
Cherokee County - Levi Snow
Leavenworth County - Hayden Maples
Lyon County - Dustin Hamman
Montgomery County - Charles Egan
Coffey County - Andrew Daugherty
Shawnee County - Sharon DuBois
Allen County - Blake McDaniel
District 3 (Leader, Ashley Hopper)
District Deputy - Chris Pope
Johnson County - Devon Mahn
Miami County - Eric Lund
Wyandotte County - Mary Gerlt
District 4 (Leader, LJ Hermreck)
District Deputy - Olivia Hayse
Butler County - Robert Mulheran
Harvey County - Dan Gaeddert