Upcoming Events

2025 State Convention
6:00 PM — Credentialing will begin
6:00 PM — Vendor tables will be open.
7:00 PM — Welcoming reception in the Hospitality Room and press conference. Includes deviled eggs, cocktail sandwiches, meat, cheese and cracker tray, fresh fruit tray, vegetable tray, assorted nuts and assorted chocolates. Free to all attendees. deviled eggs, cocktail sandwiches, a meat, cheese and cracker platte, fresh fruit tray, vegetable tray, assorted nuts and chocolate. Free to those with Full or Meal Packages.
7:00 AM — Breakfast Buffet — In the hospitality suite, free to those convention attendees who have booked a room through the hotel. The free breakfast includes, Scrambled eggs, Breakfast potatoes, Bacon, Biscuits, Gravy, Pastries, Fresh fruit, Coffee, and Juice. There is a restaurant in the hotel for those who have not booked a room.
8:00 AM — Credentialing continues on the convention floor room.
8:30 AM – Business Session Day One
The business session of the 2025 LPKS convention opens. Welcome from the LPKS Chair. Credentials report. Approval of Agenda/Convention Rules. Reports by the Executive Committee members on the status of the Party. Debate on Bylaw Changes. Debate on Platform Changes. Endorsement of 2025 LPKS candidates. Business ends at 1:00 PM and continues on Day Two.
Noon — Luncheon with a Panel Discussion and questions from the audience. Box lunches in the business session room. Box lunch includes a beefeater, turkey and ham on wheat, turkey croissant, or deli sub, with a cookie, potato chips, fresh apples, a soft drink or bottled water. $25 speakers with lunch. $10 speakers only.
2:00 – 4:00 PM — Breakout room with Candidate Training. $20
2:00 PM Introduction to Libertarianism (Civil Liberties) $10
3:00 PM – Introduction to Libertarianism (Economic Freedoms) $10
4:00 PM The Early Years of the Libertarian Party $10
7:00 – 10:00 PM – Grand Gala Banquet, Golden Anniversary of the LPKS, and Fundraiser with Mexican buffet. Buffet includes Beef fajitas, Chicken enchilada, Hard and soft tacos, Beans and rice, Chips and salsa, Assorted toppings, Churros and 50th Anniversary cake. There will be a cash bar available. $100 with speakers and meal. $25 speakers only.
10:00 PM — Hospitality Suite open. Free.
7:00 AM Breakfast — In the hospitality suite, free to those convention attendees who have booked a room through the hotel. There is a restaurant in the hotel for those who have not booked a room.
8:00 AM — Credentialing continues on the convention floor room.
8:30 AM Business Session Day Two – Credentialing and the LPKS business meeting continues with any unfinished business and elections. Free
Noon Luncheon with Speaker 1:00 PM – Seated luncheon with a New York deli-style buffet. Buffet includes Tossed salad with assorted dressings, Turkey, ham, and roast beef, Swiss and American cheese, Tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, and onions, Assorted breads and condiments, Brownies, Coffee or Tea. $30
2:00 PM ExCom meeting The hotel guarantees meeting room availability until 5:00 PM.

In Person Executive Committee Meeting
Please join us for our quarterly in person Executive Committee meeting.
We will be in District Four for this meeting. Meeting will be held on the top floor of Prost (German restaurant with good food and beer), located inside Revolutsia (shipping container mall).
Executive Committee, Operations Team, Deputy District Leads, and County Leads are all strongly encouraged to attend.
Meetings are open to any LPKS member to sit in.

2024 State Convention - Presidential Candidate Forum
Note: online registration has closed, but you can still register at the door.
We are pleased to announce that we have the following presidential candidates confirmed to attend:
Chase Oliver
Joshua Smith
Jacob Hornberger
Michael Rectenwald
Joseph Collins Jr.
Mike ter Maat
The schedule for convention will be as follows (subject to change):
8-9 am Presidential Candidate Forum (Breakfast Buffet)
9 - 10 am Break
10 am - 7 pm Business Meeting
Note: we will break for lunch and for dinner. We will adjourn earlier or later depending on how quickly we get through business.
We will share a more detailed agenda for the business meeting as soon as it is available. Some items that we will go over in the business session include:
Executive Committee Elections
Delegates to National Convention Elections
Bylaw & Platform Votes
Location: Holiday Inn & Suites Overland Park - West (8787 Reeder St, Overland Park, KS 66214)
Convention Committee: Tim Giblin, Olivia Hayse, Sara Isenhour, Tim Tarkelly
Helpful Convention Registration Information:
Anyone who is a Registered Libertarian in the State of Kansas can attend and participate in our business session for free.
Please pre-register for the business session. (We can take walk-in registrations, but it will save us time if you pre-register.)
We must have the FULL name and address of each person participating in the business session. (Please provide this information in the pop-up when prompted.)
The cost for the Presidential Forum Breakfast is $60 through Monday, February 5th at which time it will increase to $75.
If you would like Reserved Seating at the Presidential Forum Breakfast this is an additional cost of $30 and only 30 of those seats will be sold.
We have a limited amount of space for table vendors at the cost of $50. The first 10 organizations to get their payments in will get the spaces.
Questions? email oliviabrenn@gmail.com.

Pre-Convention Mixer
Join us at Tanner’s Bar & Grill as we kick off convention weekend!

Wichita Mixer - Mushroom Fest
Join us for a mixer with like minded plant medicine enthusiasts and as we hear from Bay Staters for Natural Medicine about their work on mushrooms!

Virtual Meet and Greet with Lars Mapstead and Charles Ballay
Please join us for a meet and greet with LP Presidential hopefuls, Lars Mapstead and Charles Ballay. Since they cannot attend our Presidential Candidate Forum Breakfast at State Convention, they’d like to take an hour or so to address Kansas Libertarians and take Q&A!
RSVP Here: https://www.lars24.com/kansas
Location: Via Zoom, you will get the link after you RSVP.
Contact: Dan Johnson, info@lars24.com
More Info on Charles: http://www.ballay2024.com/

Executive Committee Meeting
Location: via Zoom, link to be shared here when available as well as agenda.
Open to all to attend.
Executive Committee, District Leads, Operations Team, Bylaw and Platform Committees all encouraged to attend.

District 4 Mixer (Mulvane)
Please join us for our monthly mixer! Come mix and mingle with other local Libertarians. Hear about our upcoming convention and local issues we are working on.
Location: Jane’s Landing, Mulvane
Contact: Olivia Hayse, oliviabrenn@gmail.com

Douglas County Clean Up
Location: Wells Overlook Park, Lawrence
Contact: Kirsten Kuhn, douglascountylibertarians@gmail.com

In Person Executive Committee Meeting
Please join us for our quarterly in person meeting. Executive Committee, Operations Team, Committees, and County Leads encouraged to attend. Agenda/Zoom link to be shared once created.

LNEK Park Clean Up Day
LNEKS will have a Park Clean-Up Day on Saturday, February 3 at 11:00 a.m., with lunch at a local eatery and discussion immediately following. If the weather is too bad, we’ll just go eat lunch instead. Contact: Sharon DuBois (liberty43@cox.net)

Executive Committee Meeting
Monthly Executive Committee Meeting.
Will be held via Zoom. Link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83422547151?pwd=amh6UmwyZzQxNThFMEtyclhYbVhTUT09.
Open to all to attend.
Operations Team and County Leads encouraged to attend.

Campaign Basics Training
Thinking about running for office?
Join our political director matt and campaign director dan for a free 30 minute introductory zoom call! Learn what type of campaign you want to run and other campaign basics.
Link to join: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85267161916?pwd=JXjftsKZT5SJgmLVXSVsIGu9iaFpG7.1

Executive Committee Meeting
Monthly Executive Committee Meeting.
Will be held via Zoom.
Link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87896021825?pwd=UkVQVFdEaGRhMHh4SVV2VGhmWlFDdz09
Open to all to attend.
Operations Team and County Leads encouraged to attend.
Agenda to be shared as created or can be found in the Ex Com Google Drive.

Axe Throwing + Coat Drive (Wichita)
Location: Axe To Grind, 220 S Commerce St. Wichita
Contact: Olivia Hayse
Please join us for our last mixer of the year for some holiday fun, planning, axe throwing and drinks! Also, we will be doing a cold weather supply drive so bring gently used or new coats, blankets, hot hands, etc.
If you are throwing axes: $35 and be sure to wear closed toe shoes and be ready to fill out waiver!
Invite/bring friends! The more friends, the more supplies we can donate!

Executive Committee Meeting
Monthly Executive Committee Meeting.
Will be held via Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84648531912?pwd=Z1NFdWhpaTZkcFFHRUlGeUpSUG1ydz09
Open to all to attend.
Operations Team and County Leads encouraged to attend.
Agenda to be shared as created or can be found in the Ex Com Google Drive.

Douglas County Highway Clean Up
Location: Wells Overlook Park
Contact: Tim Giblin or Kirsten Kuhn
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DGCOLibertarians
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KSLibertarians