Anti-Mandates Resolution

Passed unanimously by the LPKS Executive Committee 1/26/2021

We, the Libertarian Party of Kansas uphold the Non-Aggression Principle and the property rights of all individuals. No government has authority to interfere with a person’s bodily autonomy, their freedom of movement, voluntary commerce/business, or freedom of association. These include, and are by no means limited to, the following:

  1. The right of business owners and service providers to stay open, to set their own policies of conduct within their own premises, and hours of operation. That includes policies as they see fit about the wearing of masks, receiving vaccinations, or any other health related issue. All such requirements and restrictions are only moral when the business owner or service provider sets them voluntarily and NOT when coerced under threat of fines or punishment by any governing body.
  2. The right of customers to freely choose which businesses and service providers they wish to patronize. Consumers can decide for themselves and their families what risks they wish to take, what stores they wish to enter, and which service providers they choose to hire.  
  3. The right of all individuals to freely choose to wear a mask or not, understanding that they must not violate the wishes of a business or service provider as described above. 
  4. The right of individuals to gather in their homes and in places of business including restaurants, theatres, arenas, clubs, gyms, etc. in any number and size which they see fit with the permission of the property owner. Equally the right of the people to publicly peaceably assemble must not be infringed.
  5. The right of all individuals to freely choose to be vaccinated or not, understanding that they must not violate the wishes of a business or service provider as described above.

We oppose any mandate whether it be through an executive order or an act of local, state, or national government which would violate these rights. We stand for all of your freedoms all of the time.


KS Libertarians Oppose COVID-19 Restrictions


Meet Olivia Hayse!