Platform and Bylaw Amendments to Be Proposed at 2021 Convention
The Executive Committee has determined to put forth the following amendments to the 2021 State Convention. Per our bylaws these proposals are posted on the LPKS website for a period of at least 28 days for public viewing prior to convention. At convention no proposals can be altered and no further proposals can be made. In order for any Platform or Bylaw proposal to be adopted it must receive a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting body at convention.
Platform Proposal 1 - Drug Prohibition
Platform proposal topic: Drug Control and Legalization.Affected platform plank(s): Article IV, Planks 3 and 5.Purpose: To clarify the Party’s position on drug prohibition.Existing Language:
3. We advocate a review of current drug control policy. Prohibition has shown to be an ineffective way for the government to address this issue. A new conversation must be started that addresses both societal concerns and individual liberty.
4. We support legalizing production of hemp as an alternate crop for farmers for use in agriculture and industry.
5. We support legalization of medicinal cannabis under a doctor’s supervision. We also support the legalization and regulation of cannabis for personal use for adults of legal age.
Marked Up Proposal:
4. We advocate a review of current drug control policy. Prohibition has shown to be an ineffective way for the government to address this issue. A new conversation must be started that addresses both societal concerns and individual liberty. We believe the so-called ‘War on Drugs’ is a war on innocent people. We call for an end to the prohibition of any drug.
5. We support legalizing production of hemp as an alternate crop for farmers for use in agriculture and industry.
6. We support legalization of medicinal cannabis under a doctor’s supervision. We also support the legalization and regulation of cannabis for personal use for adults of legal age.
Final, if adopted:
3. We believe the so-called ‘War on Drugs’ is a war on innocent people. We call for an end to the prohibition of any drug.
4. We support legalizing production of hemp as an alternate crop for farmers for use in agriculture and industry.
Platform Proposal 2 - Education
Platform Proposal Topic: Education, school choice, and nonschool choice.Affected Platform Plank(s): Article I, Plank 4.Purpose: To clarify the Party’s position on the role of government in education.Existing Language:
4. The Libertarians of Kansas understand that the education of the children of Kansas is the responsibility of parents and teachers of Kansas. We support parental and local community control of education. We passionately advocate the preservation and expansion of school choice for all Kansans.
Marked Up Proposal:
4. The Libertarians of Kansas understand that the education of the children of Kansas is the responsibility of parents and teachers of Kansas. We support parental and local community control of education. We passionately advocate the preservation and expansion of school choice for all Kansans. The education of a child is the personal and financial responsibility of their parent(s) or guardian(s) alone. Education gives best results when provided by the free market, achieving greater quality, accountability, and variety. We advocate voluntary methods of education with no interference from government. Such methods include home-educating, private schooling, educational cooperatives, and a variety of other online or in-person resources.
Final, if adopted:
4. The education of a child is the personal and financial responsibility of their parent(s) or guardian(s) alone. Education gives best results when provided by the free market, achieving greater quality, accountability, and variety. We advocate voluntary methods of education with no interference from government. Such methods include home-educating, private schooling, educational cooperatives, and a variety of other online or in-person resources.
Bylaw Proposal 1 - Redistricting and District Coordinators Election Cycle
Bylaw Proposal Topic: Redistricting.Affected Bylaw Paragraph/Section(s): Paragraph III, Subsection 1B. Purpose: To provide for possible congressional district changes. Existing Language:
Subsection 1B. Term of Office
Each member of the Executive Committee shall serve a three (3) year term. During each Annual Convention, a portion of the Executive Committee shall be up for election. In the first (1st) year, the State Chair, 1st District Coordinator, and 3rd District Coordinator will be elected. The second (2nd) year, the Treasurer, 2nd District Coordinator and 4th District Coordinator will be elected. The third (3rd) year, the Vice-Chair, and Secretary will be elected. Upon the introduction of these new terms, the terms of some elected offices will be reduced while others are extended, but thereafter all elected officers will serve three (3)-year terms.
Marked Up Proposal:
Subsection 1B. Term of Office
Each member of the Executive Committee shall serve a three (3) year term. During each Annual Convention, a portion of the Executive Committee shall be up for election. In the first (1st) year, the State Chair, 1st District Coordinator, and 3rd District Coordinator if applicable, 4th District Coordinator will be elected. In the second (2nd) year, the Treasurer, 2nd District Coordinator, and 4th District Coordinator if applicable, 5th District Coordinator will be elected. In the third (3rd) year, the Vice-Chair, and Secretary, 3rd District Coordinator, and if applicable, 6th District Coordinator will be elected. Upon the introduction of these new terms, the terms of some elected offices will be reduced while others are extended, but thereafter all elected officers will serve three (3)-year terms. Should the State of Kansas redistrict congressional districts for any reason, the coordinators then in office will stay in office and retain their given territory until the first annual convention after the redistricting is final.
Final, if adopted:
Subsection 1B. Term of Office
Each member of the Executive Committee shall serve a three (3) year term. During each Annual Convention, a portion of the Executive Committee shall be up for election. In the first (1st) year, the State Chair, 1st District Coordinator, and if applicable, 4th District Coordinator will be elected. In the second (2nd) year, the Treasurer, 2nd District Coordinator, and if applicable, 5th District Coordinator will be elected. In the third (3rd) year, the Vice-Chair, Secretary, 3rd District Coordinator, and if applicable, 6th District Coordinator will be elected. Upon the introduction of these new terms, the terms of some elected offices will be reduced while others are extended, but thereafter all elected officers will serve three (3)-year terms. Should the State of Kansas redistrict congressional districts for any reason, the coordinators then in office will stay in office and retain their given territory until the first annual convention after the redistricting is final.
Impact if passed at May 2021 Convention:In 2022 the 1st and 4th District Coordinator seats will be up for election. (Unless a reduction in districts has gone into effect, then only the 1st District Coordinator will be up.) This will reduce the current 4th District Coordinator term, if still in existence. The 3rd District Coordinator will not be up for election until 2023. This will extend the current 3rd District Coordinator term, if it has not been redistricted.
Bylaw Proposal 2 - Removing Undefined Super Majority Proposal
Bylaw Proposal Topic: “Super-Majority” languaging.Affected Bylaw Paragraph/Section(s): Paragraph III, Subsection 1F.Purpose: To replace the undefined phrase “super majority” with “greater majority” to maintain continuity and allow other thresholds throughout the bylaws.Existing Language:
Paragraph III, Subsection 1F
The State Executive Committee shall have authority to make any decision by a majority vote of the members present and voting, except those items requiring a super-majority. The State Chair shall not vote except when it changes the outcome of the vote.
Marked Up Proposal:
Paragraph III, Subsection 1F
The State Executive Committee shall have authority to make any decision by a simple majority vote of the members present and voting, except those items requiring a super-majority greater majority as specified in the bylaws. The State Chair shall not vote except when it changes the outcome of the vote.
Final, if adopted:
Paragraph III, Subsection 1F
The State Executive Committee shall have authority to make any decision by a simple majority vote of the members present and voting, except those items requiring a greater majority vote as specified in the bylaws. The State Chair shall not vote except when it changes the outcome of the vote.
Impact:No substantive impact. Eliminates confusion over what the term “super-majority” implies.
Bylaw Proposal 3 - Removal of Officials
Bylaw Proposal Topic: The majority requirements for removal of Officials.Affected Bylaw Paragraph/Section(s): Paragraph III, Section 9.Purpose: To raise the vote threshold required to remove an official, from a simple majority to two thirds (2/3) majority.Existing Language:
Paragraph III, Subsection 9: Any officer may be removed from office.
Non-elected state-wide officers serve at the pleasure of the State Chair but can also be removed by a majority vote of the State Executive Committee.
Non-elected district officers serve at the pleasure of their District Coordinator but can also be removed by a majority vote of the State Executive Committee.
Elected officers can be removed by a majority vote of the State Executive Committee. Any member of the State Executive Committee may call for a vote to remove another member.
Marked Up Proposal:
Paragraph III, Subsection 9: Any officer may be removed from office.
Non-elected state-wide officers serve at the pleasure of the State Chair but can also be removed by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the whole State Executive Committee.
Non-elected district officers serve at the pleasure of their District Coordinator but can also be removed by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the whole State Executive Committee.
Elected officers can be removed by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the whole State Executive Committee. Any member of the State Executive Committee may call for a vote to remove another member.
Final, if adopted:
Paragraph III, Subsection 9: Any officer may be removed from office.
Non-elected state-wide officers serve at the pleasure of the State Chair but can also be removed by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the whole State Executive Committee.
Non-elected district officers serve at the pleasure of their District Coordinator but can also be removed by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the whole State Executive Committee.
Elected officers can be removed by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the whole State Executive Committee. Any member of the State Executive Committee may call for a vote to remove another member.
Impact:A two thirds majority of the whole Executive Committee would be required to remove an officer. Currently six votes of the eight members would be required. Five votes would be required of a seven member Executive Committee.
By Law Proposal 4 - Proposal to change how vacancies are filled for district coordinators.
Bylaw Proposal Topic: The term and reelection of appointed District Coordinators.Affected Bylaw Paragraph/Section(s): Paragraph III, Section 2A.Marked Up Proposal:Paragraph III: State Executive Committee and OfficersSubsection 2A. Chief Executive Officer...The State Chair shall appoint a party member to fill a any vacancy in an elected party office with the advice and consent of the State Executive Committee. Such an appointment to a district coordinator seat shall be valid only until the next annual convention, where an election will be held to fill the unexpired term, if any.
Bylaw Proposal Topic: Judiciary committee.Affected Bylaw Paragraph/Section(s): Paragraph VIIPurpose: To create a standing Judicial committee elected by the membership.Marked Up Proposal:Paragraph VII. CommitteesSection 1. Formation OfThe State Chair may, with the advice and consent of the State Executive Committee, may appoint standing or temporary ad hoc committees of the party. These committees may include, but are not limited to, Constitution and By-Laws; Finance; Judiciary; Educational and Publicity; and Candidate Recruitment.Section 2. Terms of OfficeAppointed ad hoc committees members serve at the pleasure of the State Chair Executive Committee. Section 3. Standing CommitteesSubsection 3C. Judicial Committee Subsection 3C(i). StructureThe Judicial Committee shall consist of five Party members elected at a convention of the Party by the attending delegates held in odd-numbered years. The Judicial Committee shall select one of its members as Chair. The term of a Judicial Committee member shall begin upon the close of each convention held in an odd-numbered year and end at the close of the next convention held in an odd-numbered year. The Executive Committee shall by appointment fill any vacancy in the Judicial Committee until a successor shall be elected at the next convention. A Judicial Committee member may not be a member of the Executive Committee or any other standing committee.Subsection 3C(ii). Purpose and ScopeThe Judicial Committee shall be the final body of appeal in all Party matters, subject to the provision that a decision of the Committee may be overturned by a three-quarters vote of a convention. The Judicial Committee review of a Party action or inaction shall be limited to the consistency of that action or inaction in accordance with the governing documents of the Party, including these Bylaws and documents to which they refer, with the only exceptions being Judicial Committee duties mandated by these Bylaws, and arbitration of Party contracts that explicitly call for arbitration by the Judicial Committee. At least two Judicial Committee members shall agree to hold a hearing or to consider an appeal. The Judicial Committee may choose to hold hearings in person, by teleconference, or by videoconference. Subsection 3C(iii). DutiesThe Committee Chair shall receive all appeals and petitions and schedule hearings so as to obtain a quorum of the Judicial Committee. When a hearing is requested, the Chair shall within seven days of receiving the request set a hearing date. The Judicial Committee shall provide at least ten days’ notice to each of the parties to a hearing, unless an earlier date is agreed to by the Judicial Committee and the participants. The Judicial Committee shall hold a hearing within thirty days of receiving a request, unless otherwise specified. All parties to a hearing shall have the right to represent their own interests in the manner of their own choosing. The Judicial Committee shall provide a ruling within five days of the conclusion of the hearing, unless otherwise specified. With the consent of all parties, the Judicial Committee Chair may call for written arguments and electronic ballots of the Judicial Committee, with a ruling to be provided to all parties and to the Executive Committee no later than thirty-five days following the date of the initial petition.