How do libertarians become libertarians? For some, it’s a compelling speaker at convention or on a podcast. Others are drawn to the principles their friends choose to live by, absorbed through meaningful conversation. And for many of us, there’s reading involved! Within the LPKS, many of us learned of the values of freedom through books and articles penned by some of the past century's greatest minds. Here's what your colleagues and freethinkers around the state recommend…
From Sharon DuBois, former Vice Chair:“This is the book I would recommend to anyone interested in understanding the principles underlying libertarianism. It is clear, concise, and very readable.”
“Although I have not read this book, I own a copy of the public television series, and it is stunning. I found myself yelling “Yes!” at the TV more than once.” LPKS member Jon Lane enjoys F.A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom (1944), and shares his favorite quotes:
In a country where the sole employer is the state, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principal; who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat. - Leon Trotsky (1937) The finest opportunity ever given to the world was thrown away because the passion for equality made vain the hope for freedom. -Lord Acton
From Marketing/Advertising Director Olivia Hayse: “I am currently reading “Economics In One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt and wow! Even though it was written a while ago, it’s amazing how relevant it is to current day. I’ve been starting to notice the tactics mentioned in the book all around me. It’s scary how his warnings were not heeded by now and how much work we as Libertarians have to do!”
“I had already long been a libertarian when I found this revolutionary space thriller, but it probably catapulted me to being an anarchist. Plus it is usually credited with being the source for the TANSTAAFL quip.” - Ned Kelley, former LPKS Chair
Matt Clark, LPKS Candidate Recruitment, recommends a few. “The books I remember most down my road to conversion were James Madison and the Struggle for the Bill of Rights by Richard Labunski, then Take a Stand by Rand Paul, The Libertarian Mind by David Boaz, and finally, Turn Neither to the Right Nor to the Left by Eric Schansberg. The last is a deep dive into the intersection of Christianity and governance. If you haven't read much on that topic, it is a good one, but not a quick easy read.”
One of my (Allison's) earliest liberty reads was a fairly radical one. Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto by Lew Rockwell showed me in the clearest terms how the U.S. government has become an overpowering behemoth, and what damage and violence it does to its citizens as a result (namely, through wars). It also teaches a different view of what most Americans perceive as typical crime and punishment.
Hey Kansans: do you have more impactful books for us? Send your recommendations to and we'll add yours to this list. Happy page-turning! - Allison Ross, LPKS Communications Director