Poetry Corner
This week's contribution is an original poem by Jeff Stewart in Kansas City, KS. Thanks for sharing your talent for words with us, Jeff!
I Hate Roads
by Jeff Stewart
In the early morning hours;
One quarter to May;
Before the sky could produce;
One bright sunny ray;
I stood near my car;
On the road shoulder gravel;
And thought to myself;
What knots I could unravel.
The thoughts in my mind;
And the mind of my brain;
Began to conclude;
What might sound insane;
For pontificate not;
On topics ‘la mode;
I turned my attention;
To those damnable roads.
What purpose is there;
To the task of their being;
An obvious proof;
To the tracks of our needing;
But is this fallacious;
A logical blunder;
That we should need them at all;
Or be best turning them under?
For do we conclude;
From our rational pretense;
That the roads are much needed;
A posteriori as defense;
Or of the enforcement of laws;
And of the banging of gavels;
Such were the thoughts in my mind;
On the road shoulder gravel.
They do benefit commerce;
Said I to my brain;
And too encourage travel;
Came my mind in refrain;
They employ the road builders;
And the engineers’ wye;
And temp business to settle;
In places where the roads lie.
So all this was true;
And could not be unbartered;
And my temperature fumed;
And would soon be ungartered;
For despite justifications;
Rationale a la mode;
I could not relinquish my hatred;
For those damnable roads.
Featured photo courtesy Matt Clark; inset photo courtesy James Doyle