Preliminary Bylaw/Platform Amendments - 2023

The following are possible amendments to our current bylaws and platform. The Executive Committee will have a chance to review all the submissions and decide which ones the party should have a chance to vote on at our upcoming convention (details TBD). Please note that the Executive Committee has not yet endorsed these submissions and there might be submissions not included here yet.

If you have a change you'd like to submit for either the bylaws or the platform, please email your district lead and Cullene Lang (bylaw committee chair) or Ned Kelley (platform committee chair). You may also email the committee chairs listed above if you would like to help with either committee. 

Proposed Bylaw Submission #1 - Gold Star Membership

Subsection 1B: The rights and privileges of general Kansas Libertarian Party membership:
1. Attend all party conventions, meetings and gatherings.
2. Vote at State Nomination Convention for candidates for public office.

Subsection 1C. Gold Star LPKS membership:
1. To be eligible to be a Gold Star LPKS member, one must live in the state of Kansas, be registered Libertarian in the state of Kansas (if eligible), pay $25 annual membership dues, and sign the Non-Aggression Policy (NAP).
2.The rights and privileges of Gold Star Kansas Libertarian Party membership:
      a. Hold elected or appointed office on the Executive Committee.
      b. Vote for officers, National Delegates, Judicial Committee Members of the LPKS.
      c. Be a delegate to the National LP Convention.
      d. Seek LPKS nomination/endorsement for public office within the state of Kansas.

Subsection 1D: Dues for Gold Star LPKS membership:
Dues for Gold Star LPKS membership shall be $25 annually, and be earmarked for continued recruitment of Gold Star LPKS members, and the recruitment of qualified Libertarian candidates for local and township level offices.

Proposed Bylaw Submission #2 - Name 
Bylaw 1: Name 
The organization shall be named the Libertarian Party of Kansas (LPKS), hereinafter referred to as the “Party.”
Proposed Bylaw Submission #3 - Purpose
Bylaw 2: Purpose 
The Party exists to implement libertarian policy through political activities designed to win  political office and implement libertarian policy to uphold, promote, and disseminate the philosophy and principles of libertarianism. To that end, it shall engage in political activity designed to achieve those purposes. 
The Party shall do so by: 
    A. Developing an on-going political strategy to identify, expose, combat, and defeat the opponents of liberty in the political arena; 
    B. Engaging in political activity that promotes these stated goals; 
    C. Identifying, persuading, and recruiting influential individuals and opinion leaders to become members of the Party; 
    D. Identifying and developing coalitions with other organizations in order to realize the ideas of liberty as proclaimed in the Statement of Principles; 
    E. Employing media experts, political tacticians, field workers and others, as needed; 
    F. Preparing a statewide political environment to enhance the election of Party candidates pledged to the Statement of Principles for the singular purpose of restoring civil and economic liberty and property rights as proclaimed in the Principles and defined in the Platform; 
    G. Nominating, endorsing and promoting registered Libertarians who pledge to proclaim and implement the Statement of Principles of the Libertarian Party of Kansas as candidates for public office in Kansas; and 
    H. Promoting, chartering, and coordinating County Affiliates throughout the state.
Proposed Bylaw Submission #4 - Platform
SubSection 1A i: Platform 
    a) The Party Platform shall consist of planks which adhere to the LPKS position on specific state issues. The Platform may be amended by deletion, substitution, or addition of any plank at any Party convention. The delegates, by a two-thirds vote, but not less than a majority of all registered delegates, may add a new plank, substitute a new plank for an old plank, or delete a plank. 
b) If a delegate believes an adopted plank conflicts with the Statement of Principles to the LPKS, then the delegate may challenge that plank in writing, during the convention, to the Judicial Committee. The delegate shall specify in the challenge the manner in which the delegate believes the plank is in conflict. The Judicial Committee shall decide whether the plank in question conforms to the Statement of Principles and shall make a report to the floor of the convention stating the justification of its decision. If the plank is vetoed by the Judicial Committee, it will be declared null and void; but the plank may be reinstated in the Platform by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the convention.
Proposed Bylaw Submission #5 -  Conflicting Authority and Severability
 Section 1 
    In the event of any conflict between these Bylaws and the Kansas Elections Code, the Federal Elections Code, or any other law or regulation, these Bylaws shall govern the Party and its affairs. 
 Section 2 
    If any authority should declare any portion of these Bylaws void or invalid, the remainder of these Bylaws shall remain in full force and effect. 

Proposed Platform Submission #1: Monetary Freedom

Article II, Section 5. Kansas Libertarians call for the dismantling of the Federal Reserve. We oppose any government monopolized monetary system and the legal tender laws by which such systems are enforced. We oppose the creation of a central bank digital currency or state backed "digital dollar". We advocate the use of barter; non-governmental cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and other distributed ledger technology; gold; silver; along with any other voluntary means of exchange.

Proposed Platform Submission #2 - Health Freedom

Article VI. Section 6. Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the decision to each individual and their healthcare provider for their conscientious consideration.
Proposed Platform Submission #3 - Death Penalty
Article V. Section 8. As men and women are fallible and imperfect, and can and do make mistakes, the death penalty should be abolished. A sentence of life in prison with no possibility of parole is a reasonable alternative to execution and should be adopted in its place.
Proposed Platform Submission #4 - Reproductive Matters
Article 1. Section 2. We oppose the use of taxpayer funds to pay for abortion, family planning, birth control, or the provision of contraceptive devices. The right to privacy and the obligation for responsibility in reproductive matters rests with the individual and their families.

Public commentary is allowed and encouraged for these submissions. Please email your district lead your comments and Olivia Hayse to have your comments added to this post. Thank you to everyone giving our bylaws/platform time and attention!


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