Libertarian Agenda for Wichita, KS

The following has been communicated by the 4th District of LPKS to Lily Wu (L) Mayor of Wichita. All the topics are either issues the local group has identified and/or topics brought up on Wu’s campaign trail. The intent of this document is to foster transparency/clear expectations between the local Libertarians and our newly elected Libertarian mayor. To discuss, feel free to reach out to our District 4 lead using our contact form.

Wichita Issue Libertarian Solution
1) Police Understaffing Look at how police are currently handling non-violent and victimless crimes. By removing the focus on those types of infractions, police will have more time and resources for real crimes, perhaps eliminating the need for more staff.
2) Homelessness How are currently city policies impeding homeless efforts? How are homeless camps treated? What policies are in place against tiny homes, extra tenants, etc. Let’s look at removing some of those barriers to help lower the amount of homeless in Wichita.
3) Zoning In general, all zoning issues can be helped by passing more relaxed zoning policies vs more restrictive.
4) Drought We believe this is a lifestyle issue, not a law issue. Work with local creative agencies on campaigns educating the public on ways to help with drought.
5) Balancing the City Budget Eliminate all non-essential areas of city government and spending. See: Javier Milei’s strategy in Argentina.
6) Brain Drain Ultimately, this is up to the employers of Wichita to have cultures that will keep good employees. What laws do we have in place that might be affecting their workplaces? Relax the ropes on things like cannabis use, hairstyle, etc.
7) Cannabis We ask that you continue the efforts of the previous administration to keep Wichita cannabis friendly.
8) Reproductive Healthcare We ask that you not support any law whether that be at the state, county, or city level that prohibits women’s access to all forms of reproductive healthcare.
9) Police Radio Encryption We ask that transparency be the forefront of all police related policies. We ask that there be an open line in place somewhere for the public and media to access police calls.
10) Mental Health Support We ask that we take special care not to treat mental health patients as criminals. We ask that officers not be called in mental health crisis situations. We ask that we look at accessibility to care as a top priority, before a person gets in the situation of being viewed as a danger to others.
11) Drag Entertainment As a diverse community, we ask that no law is supported that would infringe on the lifestyle or entertainment choices of any minority group.
12) Police Accountability We ask for support of any legislation calling for the immediate end to qualified immunity as well as the addition of the requirement that all LEOs carry personal liability insurance. Should any suits come forward, the taxpayer should not be responsible for those legal fees.
Olivia Hayse

Marketing Professional & Blogger.

Proponent Testimony for SB 474


Party Testimony on HB 2606 and HB 2782