Proposed Platform/Bylaw Changes - 2025 (First Round)

The following are proposed amendments to our current bylaws and platform. The purpose of this posting is to give our members at large a chance to review these proposals and comment before the Executive Committee decides which proposals we will vote on at this year’s state convention. You can give public comment at the bottom of the page. For any questions feel free to contact the Executive Committee using the form here and/or the committee leads below.


  • New subsection (2)

    • 2. We stand opposed to government zoning laws, including, but not limited to, any restrictions on home businesses, growing and selling food, number and types of animals, types of dwellings and number and relationship of residents.


  • New subsection (7)

    • 7.  We oppose laws that restrict ballot access or grant state recognition and privileges to certain political candidates and groups, which deny the voters their right to consider and support all alternatives.


  • Change from - 3. We believe the so-called ‘War on Drugs’ is a war on innocent people. We call for an end to the prohibition of any drug.

  • Change to - 3. We believe the so-called ‘War on Drugs’ is a war on innocent people. We call for an end to the prohibition of any drug.  We demand the pardon and exoneration of everyone who has been convicted solely for these “crimes.”

Platform Proposal #4 - ARTICLE V – JUDICIAL REFORM

  • Change from - 1. We believe that restoring a sound judicial system is critical to preserving our independence. An empowered jury system gives citizens direct involvement in and oversight of both legislature and judiciary. This concept is a crucial component of our system of government. Juries must be informed of their right to judge not only the facts of the case but the law itself without abrogation or restriction. This is a citizen’s last veto of an unfair law.  We believe a Fully Informed Jury provision must be enacted as law in Kansas.

    6. The right of juries to judge the law of the case, as well as the facts and circumstances surrounding it, is well settled law (commonly referred to as Jury Nullification). As the Pattern Instructions of Kansas do not reflect this fact and do not provide for jurors to be informed of their rights and powers, the Pattern Instructions of Kansas should be amended to provide clear instructions for juries of all their rights.

  • Change to - 1. We believe that restoring a sound judicial system is critical to preserving our independence. An empowered jury system gives citizens direct involvement in and oversight of both legislature and judiciary. This concept is a crucial component of our system of government. Juries must be informed of their right to judge not only the facts of the case but the law itself without abrogation or restriction. This is a citizen’s last veto of an unfair law.  The Pattern Instructions of Kansas should be amended to provide clear instructions for juries of all their rights.  We believe a Fully Informed Jury provision must be enacted as law in Kansas.

Platform Proposal #5 - ARTICLE V – JUDICIAL REFORM

  • Change from - 2. We strongly defend property rights and, in the case of crimes against property, advocate restitution for victims of crime to be paid for by the wrongdoer. The criminal justice system should concentrate upon crimes against people and property. It should not concern itself with private, consensual activity among adults. All laws pertaining to victimless crimes should be repealed.  

  • Change to - 2. We strongly defend property rights and, in the case of crimes against property, advocate restitution for victims of crime to be paid for by the wrongdoer. The criminal justice system should concentrate upon crimes against people and property. It should not concern itself with private, consensual activity among adults. All laws pertaining to victimless crimes should be repealed.  We demand the pardon and exoneration of everyone who has been convicted solely for these "crimes."

Platform Proposal #6 - ARTICLE VI – HEALTH FREEDOM 

  • Change from - 5. We call for the dissolution of the FDA CDC, and OSHA They do more harm than good. Any legitimate services they claim to offer can be better provided through the free market and without coercion.

  • Change to - 5. We call for the dissolution of the Kansas Department of Agriculture, KDHE (Kansas Department of Health and Environment), and ISH (Kansas Department of Labor Industrial Safety and Health Division). They do more harm than good. Any legitimate services they claim to offer can be better provided through the free market and without coercion.

Bylaw Proposal #1 - Paragraph IV: Meetings and Quorum | Subsection 1A(iii). Platform

  • Change from - The platform is a non-binding statement of the Party’s position on important statewide and local issues. Any changes to the platform shall be adopted before nomination of candidates. 

  • Change to - The platform is a non-binding statement of the Party’s position on important statewide and local issues. Any changes to the platform shall be adopted before nomination of partisan candidates for public office. 

Bylaw Proposal #2 - Paragraph III: State Executive Committee and Officers | Subsection 2A. Chief Executive Officer 

  • Change from - The State Chair shall preside over all meetings, conventions, and committees at his or her pleasure. The State Chair will see that the Treasurer establishes and maintains an efficient system of accounts. The State Chair shall appoint all ad hoc committees and their chairs with the advice and consent of the State Executive Committee.

  • Change to - The State Chair shall preside over all meetings, conventions, and committees at his or her pleasure. The State Chair will see that the Treasurer establishes and maintains an efficient system of accounts.

Bylaw Proposal #3 - Paragraph IV: Meetings and Quorum | Subsection 1A(iv). Delegates to the National Convention

  • Change from - Delegates to the National Convention shall be selected at the State Convention. All votes for delegates shall be by written ballot, and “not this person” shall always be an option.  If “not this person” receives one-half or more of votes, the person who is rejected shall not serve as a delegate to the National Convention. If there are insufficient numbers wanting to attend the National Convention at the time of the State Convention, the State Chair can nominate and the State Executive Committee can fill the delegation at a later time. The State Chair or his or her designee shall chair the State Delegation to the National Convention. The Chair of the Delegation shall have authority to fill any vacant seats at the National Convention.

  • Change to - Delegates and alternates to the National Convention shall be selected at the State Convention. All votes for delegates and alternates shall be by written ballot, and “not this person” shall always be an option.  If “not this person” receives one-half or more of votes, the person who is rejected shall not serve as a delegate to the National Convention.  If there are insufficient numbers wanting to attend the National Convention at the time of the State Convention, the State Chair can nominate and the State Executive Committee can fill the delegation at a later time in accordance with Paragraph II: Membership, Subsection 1A.The State Chair or his or her designee shall chair the State Delegation to the National Convention. 

    Subsection 1A(v). LPKS Delegates at the National Convention - The Delegation shall have sole authority to fill any vacant seats at the National Convention, in accordance with Paragraph II: Membership, Subsection 1A, to select representation on the Libertarian National Committee (LNC), and shall have authority to make all decisions at the National Convention.

Bylaw Proposal #4 - Paragraph IV: Meetings and Quorum | Subsection 1A(iv). Delegates to the National Convention

  • Change from - Delegates to the National Convention shall be selected at the State Convention. All votes for delegates shall be by written ballot, and “not this person” shall always be an option.  If “not this person” receives one-half or more of votes, the person who is rejected shall not serve as a delegate to the National Convention. If there are insufficient numbers wanting to attend the National Convention at the time of the State Convention, the State Chair can nominate and the State Executive Committee can fill the delegation at a later time. The State Chair or his or her designee shall chair the State Delegation to the National Convention. The Chair of the Delegation shall have authority to fill any vacant seats at the National Convention.

  • Change to - Delegates and alternates to the National Convention shall be selected at the State Convention. All votes for delegates and alternates shall be by written ballot, and “not this person” shall always be an option.  If “not this person” receives one-half or more of votes, the person who is rejected shall not serve as a delegate to the National Convention.  If there are insufficient numbers wanting to attend the National Convention at the time of the State Convention, the State Chair can nominate and the State Executive Committee can fill the delegation at a later time in accordance with Paragraph II: Membership, Subsection 1A. The State Chair or his or her designee shall chair the State Delegation to the National Convention. The Chair of the Delegation shall have authority to fill any vacant seats at the National Convention in accordance with Paragraph II: Membership, Subsection 1A.

Olivia Hayse

Marketing Professional & Blogger.

Proposed Platform/Bylaw Changes - 2024 (Final)