Bodily Autonomy Resolution

The following resolution was passed on 6/30/22 by the current LPKS Executive Committee by a count of 5 in favor, 1 in opposition, and with 1 officer abstaining. 

We, the Libertarian Party of Kansas, oppose amending the Kansas Constitution to give the state legislators more control over your private medical decisions. 

As was passed unanimously in January of 2021 in our Anti-Mandates Resolution, we firmly uphold that “no government has authority to interfere with a person’s bodily autonomy.” 

We recognize this amendment as the slippery slope that it is and while not an endorsement for or against a specific medical procedure, we recognize that individual rights are at risk. 

We are asking Libertarians in Kansas to stand together, VOTE NO, and send a message to the state on August 2nd - we do not want government mandated healthcare. 


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