Women's March Draws Crowd of Thousands

The LPKS had members present in a push for freedom at the Air Capitol Women’s March in Wichita on Saturday, July 9th. Thousands of protesters walked one mile around the city touting signs and banners with slogans encouraging the public to “Vote No” on August 2nd. 

Organized by Faith Martin, the event was covered by various local radio and TV news programs. It came on the heels of the Supreme Court’s rescinding of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision, which incensed many voters on all sides of the issue. 

The overturning is a controversial issue for libertarians. At the Libertarian National Convention in Reno, LP National voted to strike the party’s stance on abortion from the platform. This is a controversial decision among libertarians, some of whom hold pro-life beliefs and do not support the outcome of the vote. 

Rather than a pro-life vs. pro-choice argument, the LPKS views it as an effort to take power out of the government’s hands. The choice of whether or not to undergo an abortion is one that should be left to a patient and their doctor. It’s with this principle in mind that several of our members took part in the Women’s March. 

Communications Director Allison Ross and Marketing Director Olivia Hayse were in attendance. Dan Gaeddert and Mark Davis provided armed security, and Faith Martin led the parade with the front-end banner. 

The LPKS reminds you that libertarians can vote in the upcoming primary on August 2! Read more on the issue here

Photo credit: Olivia Hayse and Allison Ross 


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