LPKS 2022 Year In Review
It doesn’t need to be a presidential election year for libertarians to be active. From lively social events to steps towards real political change, LPKS shows the state - and the nation - what we can do to make strides towards greater freedom for all.
To all who follow us on the website and social media, thank you for being a part of our organization. We value your support and ask you to keep sharing our content to help get the message out.
Take a look below at what KS liberty lovers accomplished in the past calendar year. Then, join us for exciting events happening in 2023!
Notable partnerships:
- There were dozens of mixers and social events all over the state of Kansas in 2022. These were opportunities for both big-L and small-l libertarians to meet for support and friendly discussion, as well as to introduce liberty-curious folks to what the world of freedom has to offer.
- We welcomed guest blog posts from LPKS Political Director Matt Clark (formerly Director of Candidate Recruitment) and LPKS Campaigns Director Dan Gaeddert. [Allison’s note: We encourage libertarians everywhere to write for us! If you would like to be featured on the LPKS blog, please send me your essay for inclusion at communications@lpks.org.]
In March we co-sponsored a Peace Rally at the Kansas Statehouse, featuring several notable speakers. The following month LPKS hosted the largest attendance to date at a state convention, where we selected state candidates and delegates to represent us at the LP National convention. In May, those delegates traveled to Reno and returned with plenty of developments to report.
LPKS social media was booming in 2022! In the modern world, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are some of the fastest ways to communicate with our members and also draw in new faces. In February we had an announcement of Jo reach almost 4,000 organically, drawing attention to our former LP presidential candidate as well as our state organization. Later that spring, a Jordan B Peterson quote graphic reached 1500, and in summer our phone-banking efforts for the Peter Solie campaign did almost as well.
The summer saw the beginning of monthly mixers in Wichita, which have been well-attended since. The ICT Women’s March attracted thousands of attendees, many of which were state libertarians. Though it wasn’t an official LPKS event, our organization contributed members to the march who worked security detail.
Due to a positive ballot measure, last year was the first time Libertarians were included in the primary election. This was a huge step forward to defeat the two-party system and make our voices heard.
The fall gave us the State Fair Social in Hutchinson and the Cannabis and Candidates Event in Wichita. Then it was time to ramp up for elections in November. The Peter Solie for State House and Seth Cordell for Governor campaigns were the biggest in the public eye, but there were also several local candidates (including many women!) who ran impressive campaigns and won support in their region.
Looking ahead…
- Spring 2023: State Convention in Topeka
- Potential for new libertarian candidates to run… could this be you?
- Local events - check with your district or county leads to find out more.
We are hopeful in the New Year that Libertarians will continue to push into the mainstream with our messaging and bring greater freedom to our state. Peace!
By: Allison Ross, LPKS Communications Director